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Showing posts from January, 2019


What's up Guys!Its the Slime Boss. WELCOME BACK! To my blooooohhhhgggg. OK Bosses today I'm going to be reviewing super slime simulator. If you guys are new here subscribe up above to become a boss. Comment below what you want me to do next and lets get the show on the road, yooo!                                                                                                                                                       So Bosses This app was very nice  Its called super slime simulator so yeah. It lets you make multiple kinds of slime my favorite is milky slime. There is also a game called Lucy's slime...

Testing Aromatherapy Putty

Hello yall its your favorite slimy boss. What's up guys, Its the slime boss. WELCOME BACK! to my blohhhggg. Today I will be reviewing Aromatherapy Putty. If you guys are new here welcome! subscribe up above to become a, BOSS. so yeah lets just get the show on the road yo! This putty is very nice. Though it isn't like slime it is very soft and stretchy. This putty only has one smell lemon. This slime is very poky and gets softer as you play with it. These slimes come in 1 oz. This putty is very nice and is a nice substitute for clay in butter slime. Ok guys well I hope you enjoys todays blog. Comment bellow and let me know do you like putty. That is it and I will see you guys, Next time, Bieeee